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Beverly Meyer sitting and reading a book under a tree


Working with Beverly Meyer 


Beverly is so much more affordable than most Functional Health providers. Why?

Beverly’s passion is helping others have a happier, more comfortable life. Many practitioners charge $3000 – $5000 just to get started. This is health care inequality.

What are Beverly Meyer’s specialties?

Anxiety, Adrenals, Sleep, Herpes, Thyroid, Immune and Autoimmune Disorders, Fatigue, Digestion, Gallbladder and specialty labs such as Cyrex Labs, Great Plains and Diagnostechs. I have a wide range of knowledge on many issues (search my Blog Articles and Podcasts). I am a passionate researcher and dedicated patient for my own multiple health challenges.

What does Beverly charge?

Beverly currently charges $150/hr.

Are any labs or supplements included?


How much do monthly supplements cost?

This depends on your budget, what you require, and what level of support you seek. Costs range from $75/mth. to $500/mth.  Changing the body’s chemistry is a big job. One or two products cannot alter a lifetime of history.

Can anyone use the Online Store?

If you can’t do a Consult yet, use my Online Store.  Click the Supplement Categories that look helpful. Every product has useful information.

Why are three appointments suggested as a good starting place? 

Unlike most practitioners and doctors, Beverly’s first focus is on diet, lifestyle and understanding who YOU are. Your history, sleeping habits, how you eat, current supplements and medications, your short and long-term issues – these help guide Beverly to labs, supplements, foods and Homework. This is Holistic Health (the whole person). We don’t want to leave out pieces of your puzzle.

Who are the best Clients for the Advanced Program?

Any Client who takes responsibility for their health and is willing to adopt healthier ways to live.  Beverly has Clients who have seen her regularly for 20 years. Our bodies and health needs change constantly.

What forms of payment do you take?

Cash, check or credit card.

I don’t have time or money for three appointments. Can I get help in one session?

Yes, some Clients want “quick tips” or have questions about Paleo/Ancestral eating or lab results. These are not Coaching sessions as we generally won’t review your health history, health issues, diet or lifestyle.

Salivary Testing for the Adrenals and Menopausal Hormones would be so helpful! Can I just order that test?

No, Beverly has to understand what to order, based on your health, your age, medications or supplements, etc. Labs are a huge profit center for most Functional Health providers and labs are often ordered to “see what turns up”. This is not Beverly’s approach.

I’ve spent thousands of dollars with other Functional Health providers but they never really got to know me. I don’t want to waste money again. Help!

I hear you! I’m not profit-motivated or want hundreds of Clients every month. I want to gently assist committed people to having a happier, more comfortable life. I think of every new Client as a partner in health.


Who does Beverly accept as Clients?

Motivated health-seekers who understand that an hour’s chat and 3 or 4 “fad” supplements will NOT unravel a lifetime of health choices.

Do you work by phone or in person?

I work with clients BY PHONE across the United States or IN PERSON in my Diet & Health Center natural health Clinic in San Antonio.


What is the Primal Diet – Modern Health Podcast about?

The “Primal Diet” part of the title says we’ll talk about eating the way we ate before Agriculture, as our bodies are meant to do. We did not evolve eating corn, sugar, chemicals or wheat for example.

The “Modern Health” part of the title means learning to choose the BEST in modern health care. There is much to learn about taking better care of yourself. Finding up-to-date information, labs, doctors and help interpreting it all is what Functional Health coaching is all about. 

How did the Podcasts come about?

Beverly was contacted by a podcast promoter looking for uplifting talk about diet and health. After 20 shows with this promoter, Beverly left to record and engineer on her own.

The Food

What type of diet does Beverly teach?

For several decades, Beverly has taught a way of eating we now call Ancestral, Paleo, Primal or Biological. This means we try to avoid foods that we did not evolve to eat. Going grain-free is now a basic request from most advanced holistic health practitioners.

What is “The Diet For Human Beings” DVD?

Beverly filmed this 70 minute interview to explain the best way for Humans to eat. Food is transformative, for better or for worse. The film explains why grains are not good for us, what Insulin Resistance is and how to avoid it, how to tell good fats from bad fats, and much more. Transforming your health must begin with changing what we eat and drink. Supplements alone cannot fix a lifetime of health concerns.

How do I buy The Diet For Human Beings?

It is sold by download or streaming in the Online Store


What are “premium” supplements? Aren’t most products the same?

Health professionals buy from select supplement companies with dedicated research labs, ongoing Clinical support and webinars, and trained company reps. Their products are protected from heat and undergo rigorous FDA testing.

Why are premium supplements better?

Fresh, premium, grade 10 ingredients make a huge difference in the quality of the products you take. Basic store goods are often heat damaged, out of date and improperly formulated.

Can I stay on the supplements Beverly has selected for me?

Some products are baseline, such as the correct Vitamin D with K2, the correct type of DHA fish oil, and a selection of Probiotics. Therapeutic supplements and/or their doses will change as your health changes.  Supplements suggested in the first three appointments include both baseline and therapeutic products. You waste money and time staying on the wrong products long-term. Update your Program regularly.

Why are there less than 150 products in the Online Store?

There are 1000 products in the Diet & Health Center in San Antonio. Advanced Program Clients will use many of these but they may not be suitable for the general public to try to use as “medicine” on their own.

Why are there so many products shown on your Clinic shelves but not in the Online Store?

Client’s needs can be highly specific. A person may test for one brand of digestive enzymes and none of the other four I carry. Customiztion is the main benefit of The Advanced Program. There are over 1000 products in the Clinic, but 150 Online. These Online products are best-sellers because they fit so many people and are easy to self-dose. They can be taken long-term.

More Resources

Do you have free eBooks or handouts for cooking and improving my health?

1). Are You Sabotaging Your Health?

Get my eBook “Are You Sabotaging Your Health”? 20 Tips for healthy living.

2).  5 Steps to Manage Herpes

Here’s an HSV Management summary to help you control outbreaks. Get the diet, the supplements and plenty of lifestyle tips. You can do this !

3). New Customer Store Coupon

Welcome to these professional resources from Beverly’s Clinic shelves. Use the 15% off coupon for your first order under $300. Excludes sale items and Consults.

4). Fast, Make-Ahead Meals

This eBook details how I shop, cook and prepare daily meals. Step-by-step guidance to cooking without recipes. Heat and eat has never been easier.

Are there any videos or tutorials I can buy? I want information on the Paleo Diet, and on managing Herpes.

1). The Herpes Relief Guide

This 90 minute in-depth presentation details the correct diet and supplements to manage HSV. Includes two coupons for supplement purchases and many tips for long-term living with this virus.

2). The Diet For Human Beings DVD

The only Paleo Diet DVD on the market. Beverly explains 11 “Big Ideas” on what we should eat and why. 70 minutes, download or streaming.

Mariah Delaye

My family has worked with Beverly for decades. She has an uncanny ability to get to the bottom of issues. Her insights on labs, supplements and reminders to keep our diet on track help us feel cared for.

-Mariah Delaye

Working With Beverly


Send a Contact. Briefly share three things needing support.

If we’re a good fit, we’ll start with a review of current labs, diet and history. 

We’ll talk virtually or in person at the San Antonio Diet & Health Center.

Starter Homework includes diet upgrades to improve hunger, sleep and energy. $150 – $225. Excluding labs and supplements.


We review a second Food/Sleep Diary and progress on Homework given.

Starter supplements will be suggested for basic long-term use. Plus anti-infective support for Herpes, UTI’s, etc. if relevant.

We order Salivary Testing to check Adrenals, Female or Male Hormones. And Insulin Resistance. $150 – $225. Excluding labs and supplements.


Review new labs and a final Food/Sleep Diary. Update on energy, sleep, infections, weight and other issues since we started.

Celebrate successes and note what has not yet improved. Add a few more premium supplements for introductory natural health solutions.

Functional Health Tests and other professional support may be suggested. $150 – $225. Excluding labs and supplements.

Get started with an In-depth review of Labs, Diet, Hormones, Health History & more. Virtually or in person.

Work with Beverly Contact Beverly