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4 Foods to Avoid with Herpes or Shingles

Beverly Meyer

Gluten and Health, Health Conditions, Lifestyle, Paleo Diet, Podcasts On Health

Common foods to avoid with Herpes or Shingles


Knowing the common foods to avoid with Herpes or Shingles is your biggest step to controlling outbreaks.

Depending on your frequency and severity of HSV flares, your diet can be super strict or more forgiving. When under extra stress, stay on the best diet for herpes and don’t cheat. 

4 Foods to Avoid with Herpes or Shingles

The quantity of the amino acids Arginine versus Lysine is the key.  The ratio is much less important.

Arginine promotes the growth of Herpes and Shingles viruses.  Lysine suppresses it.

My Herpes Relief Guide (90 minute video) details the diet and supplements needed to control this virus. It includes several coupons, freebies and supplement discounts. 

Arginine and Lysine Quantities in Foods

Arginine and Lysine are common amino acids (proteins) found in most foods. They are not found in fats as pure fat has no protein. 

Arginine promotes the growth of Herpes and Shingles. Lysine suppresses it.

The quantity of Arginine and Lysine is the key. Meats may have thousands of milligrams more Lysine than Arginine. The reverse is true for grains, a “worst” food for Herpes.

The ratio of Lysine to Arginine can be useful but amounts of Arginine and Lysine is the key. 

Foods to Avoid with Herpes

  • Grains
  • Nuts, Seeds and Coconut
  • Most Protein Powders
  • Chocolate

Grains are High in Arginine

Begin with a grain-free Paleo Diet. No wheat, rice, corn, oats, spelt, rye, etc.

Examples include bread, pasta, rice, corn, chips and oatmeal.

For guidance, study this article and Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast on “The Paleo Diet Adapted for Herpes“.

My DVD “The Diet For Human Beings” can help you understand why Paleo is great for Insulin Resistance, digestion, immune function and the Microbiome. 

Nuts, Seeds and Coconut Affect Herpes

All nuts and seeds are higher in Arginine than Lysine. Avoid them until you have controlled most of your herpes outbreaks.

Coconut Flour, Milk, Yogurt and Coconut shreds are high in Arginine.

A tablespoon or three may be fine once outbreaks are controlled with the diet.

Note: Arginine is not found in oils, so coconut oil is fine. 

Coconut Water generally has no protein and should be ok.

Protein Powders

Protein powders are made from eggs, rice, peas, milk and collagen/bone broth.

Almost all protein powders have more Arginine than Lysine. Brands with detailed labels should show the amounts of amino acids. You may be able to find whey protein that has more Lysine than Arginine. Read the labels.

Gelatin and Bone Broth are both sold as protein supplements. They are also high in Arginine.

Gelatin and Bone Broth have many beneficial uses in the body but are not good if outbreaks are not controlled. 


Chocolate is high in Arginine.

If you are satisfied with a small amount, you’re probably OK – unless you’re in a pro-dromal or full outbreak.

Other Foods to Avoid With Herpes

  • Sugar – Sugar has no amino acids but causes an acid load on the body. This can cause temporary paralysis of the white blood cells. When white cells are sluggish, they cannot move fast enough to attack bacterial and viral invaders in your bloodstream.
  • Peanuts – Peanuts are high in Arginine and Aflatoxin. They are completely off-limits for my Clients.
  • Artificial sweeteners and food chemicals – Chemicals in your environment or packaged foods disturb the immune system and liver.

The Best Foods for Herpes or Shingles 

  1. Meats and seafoods – most meats and seafoods are high in Lysine. Eat them freely.
  2. Eggs – Eggs are neutral and safe to eat.
  3. Fruits and vegetables – Most fruits and vegetables are fairly neutral. Large amounts of Plantains may be too high in Arginine if outbreaks are not controlled.
  4. Fats – Fats are neutral.
  5. Tubers – Tubers such as potato and yam are generally neutral except Cassava (Yuca) which may not be tolerated.

Check this article for more details on Arginine and Lysine.

Taking Lysine with High-Arginine Food

Lysine on an empty stomach works best to fight herpes. Taking Lysine with food can help even out the ratio of Arginine to Lysine in that meal.

I take 500 mg. Lysine twice daily away from food (45 – 60 minutes before, 90 minutes after) and 1 or 2 daily with food that might have higher Arginine such as a handful of nuts.

Supplements for Herpes and Shingles

These products and more are in my Herpes Control Pack to help manage the virus after first controlling it with diet. 

Consults to Review Herpes Management

If you need help putting the diet and supplements together, watch the Herpes Relief Guide or Contact Beverly Meyer for support. 

Medical Tips for Herpes Support

The Cleveland Clinic has advice on herpes outbreaks here. 

Image of foods to avoid when fighting herpes or shingles includes chocolate brownies and more

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed medical doctor and cannot advise you on medical matters. However, by studying my website you may be better able to communicate with your wellness provider. If you need medical assistance, please seek support from a qualified physician. Click here to read my full disclaimer.
AFFILIATE LINKS: There are affiliate links in some of my articles, which means I may get a small commission if you decide to purchase something after clicking on the links. I only recommend products I trust or have used so I know you'll be in good hands.

Beverly Meyer recording a podcast episode

About Beverly

In practice since 1985.

Beverly Meyer is a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist who has been in practice since 1985. Her Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast has published over 200 episodes since 2010. In 2012 she founded The Center For Life, which is the largest natural health center in San Antonio, with 11 doctors and practitioners. Her Diet and Health Center San Antonio is also the longest serving health and wellness center in the area. Beverly has an MBA in Finance and BA in Economics, has owned and managed several businesses, including a franchising company and a large kitchen goods store.

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