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How Does Candida Cause Weight Gain? Taming the Carb Beast

Beverly Meyer

Grains and Sugars, Happy Gut, Podcasts On Diet, Weight Management

A man is shown with huge mouthfuls of pasta . Do Carbs cause weight gain?

How does Candida cause weight gain?

Calories from excess Carbohydrates is usually the reason for weight gain. Barring severely low Thyroid function or genetic disorders, it’s the carbs that cause Candida, Metabolic Syndrome, pre-diabetes, Diabetes Type II, Obesity, and all their side effects.

Pasta, bread, sodas, cereal, candy, fruit juice, corn chips, sugars and more are not good food for Humans. Small amounts of tubers – potato, yam, cassava root, plantain are OK. Small amounts of soaked quinoa perhaps.

How Does Candida Get Out of Control?

Candida yeast feeds on sugars. If there is excess glucose from carbohydrates in your system, yeast will feed on it.

That’s one way Candida takes hold.

The other way is after Antibiotics. Women know that vaginal yeast infections often follow Antibiotics.

Good bacteria are an important part of our Immune System. Antibiotics do not know “good” bacteria from “bad”.

If you have first done all you can with rest and natural therapies, Antibiotics are appropriate. But we jump too soon to these powerful drugs.

Once good bacteria are reduced, opportunistic Yeasts multiply quickly. Especially if you “pamper” yourself with sugars and sodas while sick. (Hint: try Bone Broth instead).

Why Does Candida Cause Weight Gain?

Candida is an infection.

Most infections like an Acid environment. Their waste products are acid to KEEP us acid and keep the environment yeast-friendly. Ethanol and Acetaldehyde are key toxic byproducts from Candida.

These wastes can slow metabolic processes in the Thyroid, gut and elsewhere. The system gets sluggish and stagnant. We feel tired and unwell and the yeasts crave food – more sugar – which we give them. More calories, more toxins, more weight.

Water Weight From Candida

The body may try to dilute toxins by holding water. This is why “water weight” is so hard to associate with what you drink. The body may try diluting inferior types of salt (buy Himalayan or Celtic salt instead), or other toxins such as the wastes from Candida.

Supplements for Candida and the Microbiome

The best natural Candida fighters in my Clinic include Systemic Formulas #4 FungDX and Supreme Nutrition Morinda. Both are exceptionally clean, gentle and effective. I sell them together here in my Online Store or buy them separately. They’re in the Gut/Digestion Category of the Store. Our Monolaurin is also effective. Anti-Fungal Multi Pack w. Morinda Supreme and #4 FungDX caps

You will need to rebuild the bacterial Microbiome as well. This is a long-term project. Good Probiotics are not cheap, but there is no way around them. I personally have three I rotate daily and plan to stay on for many years. They will change as my Microbiome changes and I’ll choose a different set.

I don’t sell soil-based Probiotics. I prefer these: Premier Research Probiotic Caps, Premier Research Microbiome 18, and OrthoMolecular Ortho Biotic. Note my pricing on Ortho Biotic vs. Amazon. It is only sold there by scalpers who mark it up 30 to 50%…

Take it slow if you have a heavy Candida load. Reduce the die-off effect.

Taming the Carb Beast

Stop feeding the Carb Beast – no matter what it takes. Eating protein, fats and vegetables will satisfy and get you off the carb craving cycle. Healthy fats should be about 40% of your calories and that will help keep cravings down. (That’s not Keto but the way – it calls for 80% which I cannot endorse!)

Glutamine can also reduce cravings and is healing to the gut wall. If you’re serious about repairing Leaky Gut Syndrome, use Systemic Formulas LGUT Leaky Gut Mastery instead. Take it for several months while you fix your diet and use the Probiotics.

A man is overeating a large plate of pasta. Will these carbs cause candida and weigh gain?

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Beverly Meyer recording a podcast episode

About Beverly

In practice since 1985.

Beverly Meyer is a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist who has been in practice since 1985. Her Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast has published over 200 episodes since 2010. In 2012 she founded The Center For Life, which is the largest natural health center in San Antonio, with 11 doctors and practitioners. Her Diet and Health Center San Antonio is also the longest serving health and wellness center in the area. Beverly has an MBA in Finance and BA in Economics, has owned and managed several businesses, including a franchising company and a large kitchen goods store.

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