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Natural Help For Dry Eye Symptoms

Beverly Meyer

Good and Bad Fats, Health Conditions, Podcast

An eye looks to the left with the title Natural Help for Dry Eye Syndrome

Natural help for dry eye symptoms may reduce dry eye pain, itchy and burning without prescription eye drops or medical intervention.

Castor Oil has been a part of my daily home treatment for dry eye for several years.  This article and Primal Diet – Modern Health Podcast explain exactly what to buy and how to use Castor Oil for dry eye. Don’t use drug store Castor Oil – study this article!

While organic Castor Oil brought some relief for my dry eye (and is a great moisturizer for my eye area), I needed more support for dry eyes with aging.

Having worked since 1985 as a Clinical Nutritionist in San Antonio, I prefer natural treatment options. Info on my Health Journey is here.

Natural Help for Dry Eye Symptoms

Here’s my plan for dry eye itching, burning and occasional blurry vision. The goal is to control Demodex Mites that might be present (not true for everyone so get a proper diagnosis!) and help eyelid Meibomian Glands release their fatty fluid to protect tears.

1). Clean the Eyelids

  • Clean makeup with a natural non-irritating cleanser (or stop wearing eye makeup)
  • On arising or twice daily: Squirt 2 sprays Heyedrate Lid and Lash Cleanser on a smooth cotton pad. Wipe eyelids and lashes to clean, soothe and hydrate. Or spray onto closed lids and let air dry.
  • I prefer Heyedrate to Avenova. Avenova has a bit of bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite).
  • I don’t use baby shampoo as some sites suggest. I rarely use soap or other cleansers on my skin, just a microfiber facial cleansing cloth.

2). Add eyedrops of choice

  • I use Refresh preservative-free. 
  • Repeat as needed
  • Refresh Optive Mega-3 drops have a bit of Omega 3 fish oil in them. See below on the necessity of supplementing fish oils and other oils (internally) for dry eye.

3). Apply Organic Hexane-Free Castor Oil to entire eye area

  • Wash your hands
  • Put one or two drops “Nature Drop” brand Castor Oil on a fingertip. (Hexane-free, organic oil). Touch it to another fingertip. Gently massage into closed eyelids and around the eyes as a safe non-irritating moisturizer.
  • Castor Oil will not absorb well on eye skin. Wipe that off later if you care about “greasy-looking” eyes.
  • Don’t do this at bedtime. It can get on your pillow and your heat mask.

Natural Help for Dry Eye in the Evening

4). Use a heated dry eye mask once or twice daily

  • I like my Bruder Moist Heat Eye Compress. It fits my face well without heating up my forehead and cheeks.
  • Heat in the microwave just before bed. Place a tissue over the eyes then place the mask once in bed.
  • Other instructions say to use it after cleansing in the morning. It has a comfy strap but I only do this is having a bad eye day and need heat twice. 

Fish Oil for Dry Eye Syndrome

5). Quality Fish Oil and GLA oil are essential

Essential Fatty Acid deficiencies are one cause of Dry Eye Syndrome. Not all fish oil is the same! If you burp it, it’s probably the wrong one. Castor Oil, Fish Oil and Black Currant Seed oils can help unblock Meibomian Glands, as do heated eye compresses.

  • Suggested high DHA Fish Oils include: OrthOmega Select DHA (note my Online Store price vs. big wholesale retailers), or Rosita Cod Liver Oil gelcaps.
  • GLA is Gamma Linoleic Acid, an essential fat difficult to get in our diets. This Black Currant Seed Oil is excellent. Take 2 daily with meals and the fish oil to support dry eye tears. (Both are good for pain and inflammation as well).

6). Repeat 1 – 4 dry eye remedies as needed

  • If you need drops more often, or a different brand, do what works best for you. We’re all different.
  • If your eyes hurt one day, use the heated eye compress multiple times for several days.
  • When dry eye pain and itchiness get better, don’t get lax and stop all dry eye support.

7). See your doctor for checkups

  • Your doctor will check the amount of time your tears take to form and disappear. If you’re getting worse, take action. Talk to your doctor about other dry eye symptoms and treatments.
  • Consider IRL – Intense Pulsed Light to help open Meiboniam Glands. Ask if the glands need to be manually expressed (light squeezing) by an eye doctor. Other treatment options are available if the steps here don’t work for you. NOTE: you’ll still need to follow much of this even with medical intervention.

8). Wind, Winter and Allergies     

  • Dry air can dry the eye. Humidifiers help.
  • Wear glasses if windy. You can get wraparound non-prescription eye protectors affordably.
  • Allergies make eyes itch. This product in my Clinic’s Online Store is extremely popular for allergy support. We sell it at the correct price – big online warehouses do NOT.

9). Using Castor Oil as direct eye drops

  • This article and Podcast have good instructions on using the right kind of castor oil directly in the eye for relief. If needed, put a few drops Oil on a clean QTIP and roll it onto a pulled down eyelid.
  • Or ask someone to put a drop directly in your eyes. Don’t touch the glass dropper! Your vision will be a little foggy for a bit.
  • Web MD has this info on Castor Oil for dry eye treatment of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.
  • PubMed has this summary article on Castor Oil for Dry Eye.

I don’t use OTC eyewipes as they have preservatives and chemicals I try to avoid. I have used them occasionally and they didn’t cause a reaction, but I prefer the Heyedrate Spray above. 


A woman looks to the left with healthy eyes

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed medical doctor and cannot advise you on medical matters. However, by studying my website you may be better able to communicate with your wellness provider. If you need medical assistance, please seek support from a qualified physician. Click here to read my full disclaimer.
AFFILIATE LINKS: There are affiliate links in some of my articles, which means I may get a small commission if you decide to purchase something after clicking on the links. I only recommend products I trust or have used so I know you'll be in good hands.

Beverly Meyer recording a podcast episode

About Beverly

In practice since 1985.

Beverly Meyer is a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist who has been in practice since 1985. Her Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast has published over 200 episodes since 2010. In 2012 she founded The Center For Life, which is the largest natural health center in San Antonio, with 11 doctors and practitioners. Her Diet and Health Center San Antonio is also the longest serving health and wellness center in the area. Beverly has an MBA in Finance and BA in Economics, has owned and managed several businesses, including a franchising company and a large kitchen goods store.

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